
Awakening Of The Five Senses In Neuromarketing

Abstract : In a globalizing world, increasingly competitive environment impels the companies to search for new marketing methods instead of the traditional ones . Besides,the emergence of neuroeconomics, where developed methodes and procedures about brain research are used for economic purposes.. One discipline of neuroeconomics is the so-called ‘Neuromarketing’ in which neuroscientific data is used to address marketing relevant topics. In the past it was difficult to gather objective consumer informations using traditional methods. Neuromarketing one of the comprising methods is a marketing technique that aims to seduce the consumer by using his senses to influence his feelings and behavior. In neuromarketing, with various stimuli that are sent to five senses, consumer's emotional and behavioral orientations are studied to be affected. In this study, the role of senses in consumer perception and the relationship between 84 senses and marketing are discussed and followed by neuromarketing practices in which consumers are affected and their responses are analyzed, according to the research conducted on restaurants in service industry it’s observed that sound, taste and tactile are the most effective senses in purchasing decision. The aim of this article is to bring the attention and highlight its actuality and the importance of its understanding.

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