This study sets out from a basic hypothesis of no relationship at
5% significance level between attitudes of study aims at identifying
the attitudes of the students of the Jordanian Science and Technology
University towards the terrorism phenomenon with regards to the
concept, the aspects, and the motives. The university's students that
might be attributed to the difference in both demographic variables of
the students and their economic circumstances and their evaluation for
the terrorism and its features.
To realize the study objectives and test its hypothesis, the
researcher designed a questionnaire for the collection of necessary
data. It was distributed randomly to the university’s students, where
the sample represented 6.3% of total students in the university, whose
number amounted to approximately 19000 students at the beginning
of the academic year 2006/2007.
The study results showed significant differences in the general
attitudes of the students concerning the features of terrorism and the
actions considered as terrorism. Meanwhile, the motives of terrorism
manifested an agreement harmony among those questioned. The
demographic factors of the student as well as the economic situation
have no remarkable effect on describing the terrorism phenomenon.
Finally, the study recommended that it is necessary to encourage
the cultural exchange between Jordanian universities and foreign
universities in order to be acquainted with the culture of others so as
to enhance concepts of accepting one another and do discard hatred
among people. It also recommended the broadening the dialogue
circle and students participation in the economic and social process in
general, at the university and the national levels.
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Posté Le : 02/08/2022
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Al-atom Basem
Source : FORUM DE L' ENSEIGNANT منتدى الأستاذ Volume 5, Numéro 1, Pages 49-67 2009-05-01