
Assessing The Glass Forming Ability Of Oxides Melts

GRGFAox is a non dimensional model to compute the oxide Global Relative Glass Forming Ability [1] . This criterion takes into account the isobaric thermal capacity (Cp) and the ratio of the cell volume (V) with the ionic distance (dExOy). In this contribution, authors suggest a relative model to assessing the Glass Forming Ability of any oxides melt (GRGFAm) incorporating P as the coefficient representing the quantitative probability of vitrification. The value of this corrective coefficient (P for probability) is linked with FO,IO and MO: the molar amounts sums of forming oxides (FO), intermediate and modifying oxides (IO and MO), respectively. The algebraic sum in the classical mixtures law is also added because being the melt intrinsic GFA (IGFAm) value (Ci and GRGFAi are the amount (%) and Global Relative Glass Forming Ability of the i-th oxide [1], while n is the total number of significant glass components). The computing permit to determine a GFAm frontier value sorting glasses from ceramics.

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