
äquivalenz, Vergleichbarkeit Und übersetzbarkeit Equivalence, Comparability And Translatability

This article is concerned with issues relevant to comparability, equivalence and translability. In fact, comparability is well understood within a framework of contrastive linguistics. Furthermore, the notion of comparability or equivalence must be clarified, "that is, to establish the conditions under which elements of two languages L1 and L2 can be considered comparable. For the problem of translation equivalence, apparently, it is very difficult, if at all possible, to achieve consistent equivalence at all levels. In this sense, the problem of translation has given rise to lively discussions that attempt to answer the question of how categories of one language L1 can be compared or translated with those of another language L2 in a particular unit. This study showed that translation from one language to another is done by part of speech translation and not word translation. The translation process happens step by step, i.e. one can find the simplest thing first. A progression should take place in four steps to find the real equivalent in the other language: the four steps could take place altogether in the translation act. The context includes the text, the situation, and the assumed knowledge of the addressee; in this case, one speaks of pragmatic equivalence. Translation equivalence must be viewed as a relative term. Accordingly, these translation methods are still to be deepened, which we are trying to do within the framework of a project, in a research department in Oran, on "Linguistics and Translation". This time we only outlined these new scientific translation methods.

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