
Approach For Modelling And Verification Of Flexible And Adaptable Businesses Processes

flexible, adaptable and secured. These three criteria increase the performances of applications inter organizations and guarantee their stability. For this purpose, we plan to re-examine the way of modeling the business processes so they will flexible and adaptable. For that, as for the adaptation, we adopt separation between concerns. We separate the development of the functionality concern from the transversal concerns (eg: security, context). As for flexibility, we propose a new model of description of the business processes based on ECA rules (Event -Condition-Action). So, our approach of modeling the business processes is an multi concerns approach (Security, I nteraction) based on our formalism suggested CECAETE (Concern, Event,Condition, Action, check Execution, Time, else Event). First, we govern any business rule as a CECAETE rule. Then, to verify the rules based business process, we build a graph of rules. This graph is based on the relationships between the rules of the same concerns and of different concerns. In this paper, we discuss also, the formal verification of the CECAETE rules based business process.

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