
Antibacterial Activity Of Ethyl Acetate Extracts From Algerian Cupressus Sempervirens Var Against Some Human Pathogens Bacteria

Cupressus sempervirens var. is a plant rich in bioactive compounds and it has been a typical used in folk medicine for thousands of years. In Algeria, Cupressus sempervirens is widely used as traditional remedies for treatment of different complicate infectious diseases this study was conducted to evaluate antibacterial properties of ethyl acetate extracts of Cupressus sempervirens against gram negative and gram positive. The plant was collected from Chlef, in Tenes is a region of Algeria Mediterranean, then, the plant extract was prepared by maceration .The antibacterial activity of the extracts was investigated against 6 clinical and reference strains based on two assays: the well diffusion method and the agar dilution method. Cuperssus sempervirence acted as the agent antibacterial by having the highest (MIC/MBC 0.25v/v) against B.subtilis ATCC 6133, E.coli followed by Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci, Microccocus lutea (MIC/MBC 0.5v/v). Results of the phytochemical studies of ethyl acetate extract revealed the presence low amount of total phenolic according to the spectrophotometric method. Cupressus sempervirens has broad spectrum antibacterial activity and can be consider as a potential source of new classes of antibiotics that could be useful for infectious disease chemotherapy and control.

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