
Analyse Qualitative Et Quantitative Des Alcaloïdes Totaux Des Graines De Datura Stramonium L.

Datura stramonium is an annual toxic plant and is widespread in Algeria, especially in the northern regions. Its toxicity is mainly due to majority alkaloids, atropine and its isomer hyoscyamine and scopolamine. The liquid-liquid extraction of total alkaloids from the seeds has resulted in an extraction yield of 0.07 ± 0.0245%. TLC of total alkaloids of the seeds, has been able to show only the presence of the majority alkaloids atropine and scopolamine. The analysis of the alkaloids of the seeds by HPLC confirmed the presence of atropine and scopolamine, with rates of 4 mg and 2 mg respectively per 100 g of seeds of Datura stramonium. However minor peaks could not be identified, probably pseudo-alkaloids

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