
An Integrated Development Of The Water And Energy Sectors ‎to Face Climate Change In The Maghreb Countries:‎ Situation And Prospects

The results of the fifth assessment report of the Intergovernmental ‎Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) show that the Maghreb region ‎is threatened by climate change, which could significantly ‎increase the relevance of water development policies, given that ‎economic growth of the majority of Maghreb countries is closely ‎related to water resources. To face this threat, the Maghreb ‎countries (Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia) have adopted climate ‎change adaptation strategies that highlighted many alternatives ‎to resolve water scarcity and the threat of climate change.‎ However, the adopted alternatives and solutions include ‎economic irrigation options and non-conventional resources with ‎high energy consumption such as water desalination and water ‎reuse. Therefore, developing these alternatives will increase the ‎energy consumption in the water sector.‎ The aim of this paper is to analyze the strategic issues of the ‎integrated development of the water and energy sectors, as well ‎as the level of interactions and nexus between water and energy ‎that are considered in the sectors policy management and ‎planning in the Maghreb countries. The analysis is focused on ‎the case of Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia and aims to identify ‎some strategic recommendations and orientations to promote an ‎integrated development of the water and energy system. The ‎SWOT analysis (SWOT standing for Strengths, Weaknesses, ‎Opportunities and Threat) is used to undertake this analysis.‎

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