The teacher training schools in Algeria
have taken upon shoulder since 1999 the
education and training of teachers in many
fields including English as a foreign
language. For this to be realized, programs
had to be designed taking into account the
specificities of each discipline. The
program for training teachers of English as
a foreign language has been built on the
assumption that there should be a focus on
three main domains namely: knowledge
about the subject matter, development of
teaching competencies, and knowledge
about the target language culture. These
domains are believed to be training
strategies that respond to the classroom
requirements. Qualified teachers are those
who are able to master the subject to be
taught, make use of the most up dated
methodologies in teaching, and refer to the
culture of the target language whenever
necessary. The aim of this paper is to
critically analyse the current state of
teacher education at the teacher training
school of Constantine. The pedagogical
implication from this study could be a
revision of the training strategies.
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Posté Le : 31/01/2022
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Djouima Leila
Source : FORUM DE L' ENSEIGNANT منتدى الأستاذ Volume 7, Numéro 1, Pages 140-152