
Algerian Students Specialized In German Civilization And The English Language

The aim of this research paper is to shed light on the students’ preoccupations at the university level, mainly the ones who have enjoyed learning English as an elementary subject in high school and, find themselves acquainted to a specialty that tends to neglect the use of the English language in the university studies. After passing the Baccalaureate exam, the students were orientated to specialize in German studies These students announce to the teacher they wish they mastered the English language though they know that the time limited to their encounter is only one hour and a half per week. This situation in itself constitutes a challenge for the teacher and leads him /her to answer the following question: what curriculum could the teacher elaborate to enable the students reach their objective; speaking English fluently? In an attempt to answer the raised question, it is necessary to identify the students’ profile, mainly the ones who have shifted from English as a third language -after French- to the fourth position after German.

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