Algérie - Expositions photo

Ahmed Merzagui Photographe

#Citizen #JFC 26/12 📸

Ahmed Merzagui nous présentera sa série photographique intitulée "Insane" dont voici un extrait :

« Life is life, it’s a momentary, ephemeral lapse of willed or unwilled activities, gregarious exchanges, social life, takes and gifts… An imbrication of moments for all humans, a momentary lapse of reason or unreason for all of us, no matter who we are, how we are, when or where we are, we just are…. We are all Human (انسان).
While involved in a life totally different from the one we always lived, we get to that conclusion. United by humanity in all her slight faces, we are all an existence ruled by time.
In Arabic "human" has the same pronunciation as insane.
We are all in a way insane.

Biography :

Born in 1993 in Tlemcen in Algeria, city of art and history, Ahmed Merzagui has always been interested in art and culture.
Started writing at a very early age, moved to theater and dance to end up finally in visual arts, collage, installation, sculpture and especially photography, Ahmed Merzagui has expressed himself over the years in several «languages" through an approach often carried by philosophy and psychology.

#lagrandemaison #lamaisondelaphoto #derbcinema #expo #photographie #citoyenneté

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