
A Study On Quality Of Work Life And Readiness For Organisational Change Among Algerian

The main purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship betweenQuality of Work Life and Employee Readiness forOrganisational Changein the faculties ofManagement and Economy; at the universities of Constantine-2, Mila, and Skikda. Therefore, a questionnaire was distributed to University Professors to assess theQualityofWorkLifethat includessixdimensionswith(29) items.In Addition, theHanpachern’squestionnaire was used to assess Readiness forOrganisational Change, and itincludes (14) items.Themethodology of analysis is based oncorrelation matrix. The size of the sample was (118) Professorsthat were selected according to a random sampling method. In order to measure the reliability of the questionnaire, we used Cronbachs Alpha.The results were (0,894) for Quality of Work Life and (0,882) for Readiness forOrganisational Change.The results of the study revealed that the University Professors in Algeria perceive medium Quality of Work Life (QWL) and high Readiness forOrganisationalChange. In addition; the results indicated that there is a positive and meaningful relationship between Quality of Work Life and its dimensions,and Employee Readiness forOrganisational Change in the Algerian Universities.

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