
"a Bad Tree Does Not Yield Good Apples: How Proficient Teachers Can Yield Good Learners At Teachers' Training College"

Over the last decade, there has been an introduction of competency based approach into English language teaching at all education levels which has been initially implemented for English learners. However, anecdotal evidence has shown that in-service teachers themselves do experience difficulties in teaching the program based on such approach, this is simply attributed to the fact that most teachers whose first language is Arabic are not highly qualified and not fully competent in English language and teaching as well and thus they are, subsequently, in urgent need of an intensive training. For this reason, in this paper we will attempt to provide a workable definition of competence in English language and English teaching and how we can consider a teacher competent, and then we will provide a program for training future or in-service teachers for they will be able to manifest a rich input to their respective learners and finally, we will come up with some recommendations and suggestions about how teachers can obtain the optimum results and make learners meet the objectives set behind the course.

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