The success of the process of human development requires empowering and building society members to achieve the objective. Empowerment is a new concept which has several aspects (economic, political, legal, etc.), and whatever its nature, it is not just access to resources but emphasizes the need to involve individuals in the strategic decision-making and participation in decisions that affect important consequences in life.
And in this context, empowerment of Women takes special attention, since it is considered among the most marginalized categories of people in developing societies, and it depends on the need to incorporate gender in the social category, within the agenda of human development strategies
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Posté Le : 19/02/2024
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - قنوفي وسيلة
Source : مجلة البحوث السياسية و الادارية Volume 3, Numéro 1, Pages 308-315 2014-06-01