
فقراء قسنطينة (cirta- Constantina ) في ظل الاحتلال الروماني من خلال النقوش

Repair of wealth and in Numidia as in the whole of Africa for a remarqably high ineguality. G.Ch Picard estimated that only one sixth of the population belongs to the wealthy. The rest, the overwhelming majority is constituted by the popular classes that include free men - peasants, artisans and slaves. At Cirta, we have little means to verify this proportion. car the proficiency tests of the texts engraved on the stones brings up a limited number of humiliores. is that their role in the official life of the city is practically nil. His career honors, Municipal functions are inaccessible to citizens of modest means: they entail costs that only a minority is able to bear. Humble and pauves are, by forces far from city life.

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