Despite the challenges facing the banking system at the regional and international levels, the Islamic banks have been able to reverse the traditional banks and in particular Jordan Islamic Bank for Finance and Investment face of crises and in particular the global crisis in 2008, this bank was characterized by development and high ability to keep up with developments that meet the growing requirements based on the provisions and principles of Islamic law.
The process of assessing the financial performance is considered one of the functions of the administration, and that the most important results of their use, it enables administrators to provide and use available resources more effectively, and in order to achieve Islamic Bank's objectives, and enable this process for the periodic evaluation of the various activities, the selection of the most appropriate tools Financial analysis.
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Posté Le : 27/09/2023
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - سامية يني - جمال الدين سحنون
Source : مجلة اقتصاديات شمال افريقيا Volume 13, Numéro 16, Pages 301-324 2017-01-01