The Good Side Of Work Friends
Too many executives still believe that employees should leave their personal lives at the door when they report to work, despite the fact that they claim that "people are our greatest asset." However, according to Gallup data, having a best friend at work is significantly associated with positive business outcomes, such as increased profitability, safety, inventory control, and employee retention. Additionally, according to Gallup's most recent research, having a best friend at work now has an even greater influence on crucial outcomes, such as employees' propensity to recommend their place of employment, intention to leave, and level of satisfaction. Best friends at work have transformed into lifelines that provide essential social connection, collaboration, and support for each other during times of change as a result of the unavoidable increase in remote and hybrid work. The author offers four strategies that managers can use to establish and maintain a workplace that fosters friendships and produces quantifiable results.
Posté par : pacci