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The foil stamping technology in book printing china

The foil stamping technology in book printing china
Foil stamping technology is a commonly used technology in book printing china, today let’s to introduce the type of foil stamping technology.

1.Cold stamping

Do not use a heated metal plate, but the use of printing adhesive method to transfer metal foil. Cold hot stamping process cost is low, energy saving, high production efficiency, is a promising new process.

2.Concave-convex hot stamping (also known as 3d hot stamping)

The use of modern engraving technology to make up and down with Yin die and Yang die, hot stamping and embossing process a complete, improved production efficiency. The mold made by electric engraving can be curved to achieve the effect of three-dimensional relief which is difficult to achieve by the general corrosion method. Concave-convex hot stamping, so that the hot stamping and embossing process is completed at the same time, reducing the process and the waste due to overprinting, and which is also promote the high quality of book printing china.

3.Holographic identification

The use of computer technology to change the amplitude and frequency of the grating, the effect than the calculated pattern of color more bright, more clear. If the hologram mark is used as the original copy, a large number of holograms will be lost, so as to achieve the purpose of anti-counterfeiting. According to the characteristics of hologram hot stamping mark, it can be divided into continuous hot stamping and independent hot stamping. Continuous holographic mark hot stamping is a replacement for laser holographic hot stamping. Independent hologram logo hot stamping is the hologram logo on anodized aluminum into a separate trademark pattern, and there are contraposition marks beside each pattern. Holographic logo can not only have a very good anti-counterfeiting performance, but also according to the needs of the customer special number or text into the holographic logo. Holographic logo hot stamping to the packaging box, not only to the holographic logo hot stamping to the surface of the substrate, but also has a fairly high overprinter precision, in high-grade packaging box is more and more widely used.

Know more about the related technology in printing, it plays an important role in product quality. More information, you can contact with us:

NOTE: This article is posted originally on

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