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The knowledge about digital printing that you can not miss 'Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as needed.' This passage by Mark Twain usually causes a lot of laughter. However, in terms of digital printing, if ...
The foil stamping technology in book printing china Foil stamping technology is a commonly used technology in book printing china, today let’s to introduce the type of foil stamping technology.
1.Cold stamping
Do not use a heated metal plate, but ...
Adrar WeLCoMe To aDRaR....# 01 iN aLGeRia...viens découvrir le Sud Algérien - Adrar - Tamanrasset - Hoggar - SaHaRa - Touaregs - vous invite a voyager a travers mon blog ...
Liens : Documents personnels (Photos, Articles ...) ... WeLCoMe To aDRaR....# 01 iN aLGeRia...viens découvrir le Sud Algérien - Adrar - Tamanrasset - Hoggar - SaHaRa - Touaregs - vous invite a voyager a travers mon blog ...