Abd el-Kader Ibn Muhyi-DIN El Hassani, born in 1808 in Guetna of wadi Al-Hammam, the West of Mascara (Algérie).Il belonged to a family of origin of the sherifs which directed a zawaya of the kadiriyya. Religious education that it accepted made of him a mystical Moslem and a theologist. But the circumstances transformed it into warrior. Become soldier to defend the ground of Islam, its attempt to create an independent State was to leave a prestigious memory: it is celebrated today like the founder of the Algerian nation. Proclaimed 'sultan of the Arabs' by some tribes of Oranie on November 22, 1832, Abd el-Kader was essential by a victory over the militia of the former Turkish bey and carried out with bravery, during fifteen years, the holy war against the French. Abd el-Kader benefitted from it to extend its authority in the provinces of Oran, of Algiers, of Titteri and until in Constantinois so organizing an Arab State and musulman.Comme its maitre Ibn El Arabi which left its native soil El Andalus, Abdel Kader will give up Algeria; Ibn El Arabi affirms that 'all the ways are circular' and the course undertaken never leads which has Oneself-same. As always El Amir consulted its close relations as well as the scientists of the Moslem world since El Azhar until Fès: how Mudjahid can become Muhadjir? Is essential answered Ulémas exiles when the Moslem cannot enjoy fully any more his faith in his country. Its exile in France enabled him to organize its life around the ritual prayers. It dealt of his children and his entourage. Each moment of its day was devoted to the study of Islam. The visitors who came to see it were fascinated by his height of sight, its knowledge scientific and its intellectual curiosity. All pay homage to its abnegation and its size in the adversity. The man was so tall that it was essential on admiration his adversaries, and the French were numerous to pay an enthusiastic homage to him and to defend it during a captivity as painful as unmerited. Ideas, feelings, gestures and actions, all in him carries the privileged sign of the nobility and the size. It is of these rare beings, which, of century in century, millenium in millenium, offer to mankind an idea of the profession, as well as an exemplary model. By its life, its character and its works, El Emir Abd-El-Kader honour his country his faith and very whole humanity In the third part of its existence, which proceeded very whole in the Middle East, of 1852 to 1883, Abd el-Kader was devoted almost exclusively to the study and the religious meditation. This orientation answered a major vocation; as of its youth, it had expressed the taste of the speech and the mystical exercise. In Bursa in Turkey, it wrote a treaty of religious philosophy for the use of the Christians whom it entitled 'Recall with the intelligent one, opinion with indifferent'. Installed in Damas, where it lived of 1855 until its death, it took figure of spiritual Master: its teaching was collected there. Part of its remarks and its written comments was published under the title the Book of the halts (mystical), very partially translated into French. This work, whose literary splendour strikes, reveals the depth of the mysticism of the emir. It affirms there disciple of one of largest the soufis of Islam, Ibn ' Arabi, the Sheik Al-akbar (what one could translate by Doctor maximus Islamic gnose). Thus is explained the will of Abd el-Kader to be buried in Damas close to the tomb of Ibn ' Arabi. Genealogy of the Emir Abdelkader Abdel Kader ibn Muhyidin, ibn Mostafa, (qui settled definitively in the plain of Ighriss) ibn Muhammad, ibn El Mokhtar, ibn abdel Qadi, ibn Ahmed, ibn Muhammad, ibn Abdel-Kaoui, ibn Ali, ibn Ahmed, ibn Khaled, ibn Yussef, ibn Ahmed, ibn Bachar, ibn Muhammed, ibn Massoud, ibn Taous, ibn Yacoub, ibn Abdelkaoui, ibn Ahmed, ibn Muhammad, ibn Idriss II, ibn Idriss I, ibn Abdallah El Kamel, ibn Hassan El Muthana, ibn Hassan Essabt, ibn Fatima Zahra bint Rassul Allah Before closing this test on Chorfas of my friend Doctor Saissi de Safi (Morocco) which wrote to me and encouraged when designing this site on Ahluelbeit. In recognition I make a point of mentioning in this work the family tree of his family downward of Amghar, Maslouhi, Slitine, Bzioui or Saissi. Elhassan Saissi, wire of Thami, wire of Lahbib, wire of Abdessallam, wire of Bachir, wire of Abdallah, wire of Mohammed, sons of H' ssaine, sons of Ismail, sons of Abdessallam, sons of Said, sons of Ahmed, wire of Abdallah wire of H' ssaïne wire of Saïd wire of Ibrahim wire of Yahya wire of Ibrahim wire of Mohamed wire of Youssof wire of Youness wire of Idris wire of Abdeljalil wire of Abdallah says Amghar Saghir wire of Mohamed wire of Ali wire of Adeladim wire of Mohamed Abou Abdallah Amghar Alkabir, wire of Abou Jaâfar Isshak, wire of Ismaïl, wire of Mohamed, wire of Bakr, wire of Ahmed, wire of Houssaïne, wire of Abdallah, wire of Ibrahim, wire of Yahya, wire of Foamed, wire of Abdelkrim, wire of Massôud, wire of Salih, wire of Abdallah, wire of Abderrahmane, wire of Mohamed, wire of Abou Bakr, wire of Tamim, wire of Yassir, wire of Omar, wire of Yahya, wire of Abou Kassim, wire of Abdallah, wire of Idris II, wire of Idris I, wire of Abdallah Alkamil, wire of Alhassan Almouttana, wire of Alhassan, wire of Ali and Fatima-azzahra, girl of the prophet Sidna Mohammed.(That peace and it blessing is on him) Conclusion This work remains incomplete considering the many descent of the prophet, but it seems to us that it has as a merit to give an outline on the geographical distribution of the 'Chorfas' Hassanien in the Arab Maghreb. The arrival of Idris first with Wallilah (Zerhoun) had especially positive consequences and happy continuations as for the distribution of the descent of the Prophet Thanks to this transfer of the descent of the sherifs of the East towards the occident, the expansion of Islam could be carried out in an unquestionable way as well in Africa as in Europe and now we attend his expansion in the Anglo-Saxon countries. In this third millenium, the posterity of our Muhammad Prophet remains very active throughout the world, especially in Morocco or its majesty the young king Muhammad VI with the support of all its family, remains attached to the message traced by its downward ancestors of Ali and Lalla Fatima Bent Rassul Allah the Muhammad Prophet.
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تاريخ الإضافة : 14/09/2018
مضاف من طرف : TechnologieINFO