
واقع التــــسيير المـستدام للنفايات المـنزلية: دراسة حالة المؤسسة العمومية الولائية لتسيير مراكز الردم التقني بورقلة

The aim of this study is to identify the reality of waste management in the Wilaya of Ouargla, due to the aggravation of this problem and its negative phenomena that result in surface water and groundwater contamination as a result of irrational management of waste, which led in turn to serious prejudice to public health, necessitating the need to modernize the sector to go towards the use of sustainable management methods of waste, which have been highlighted on in this paper, by studying the case of EPWG CET Ouargla, where we measured and examine the evolution of the amount of waste treatment, according to some modern methods: recycling and technical landfill of the households waste in Ouargla technical landfill centre. The study reveals that the enterprise is sorting the waste for recycling, and applies the technical landfill method to treat the household waste of the municipalities, which it can raise the efficiency of the management of this type of waste by minimizing the cost, and recycling some recoverable waste types for recycling.

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