
نيتشه وإتيقا الحياة

this study, tackle Nietzsche’s view to the aesthetical life, which is based on the transition from ontological to axiological interpretation, by going back to the culture of the philosophical history. This view reevaluates the values again through going back to their origins and early beginnings destroying the ontological idols, especially religion and ethics. This reevaluation is done in order to construct a new hierarchy of values that takes the western man out of nihilism, passivity and the absolute denial that he lives. This new hierarchy of values is based on the new axiological view which establishes for different vision. This vision makes the ontological question follows the axiological question and it makes existence submit to ethics by taking man out of weakness and slavery which are the effect of modernity on behalf of rationality; the sense of re-building a new relation that the person relies on so as to impose his obstreperousness over reality. This is by valorising things which were in the corner of non-valued and sanctifying the earth instead of heaven. In addition Nietzsche’ view considers the existence as an aesthetic datum that comes out from tragedy and suffering.

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