
نضال الميزابيين ضد مصادرة فرنسا للأوقاف الإباضية

The Treaty of 1853, concluded between the French and the Mizabites, has for a long time been in the heart of a wide debate among the Ibadite historians and others, but the controversy remained confined to the political and faith framework as a result, these studies did not reach the social and revolutionary role of facing colonialism. In fact, this treaty, which was more used to control certain classes of Algerians and decompose its components, had been used by the Mizabites to maintain their social coherence and preserve their properties and their identity trying to face the colonizer’s policy. The waqf was in the center of their interests and the treaty provided them with the way to prevent French confiscation as they did in many areas of Algeria. Hence, they were able to do so harnessed for education and social benefits and serve the Algerian revolutions. Several times, fabricating reasons to cancel the 1853 Treaty, France tried to intervene into the affairs of the Mizabites. It tried to confiscate the ‘awqa˃f to prevent Mizabites from helping and supporting the revolutions. It tried, also, to use of Waqf lands for the achievement of its major projects in the Algerian desert, but did not succeed, thanks to the Mizabites jihad. So how could the Ibadi of Algeria harness the treaty to serve them and serve the public interest? How did it enable them to maintain their properties? How did they manage to make them a fence to save the Islamic Waqf and conduct their affairs by themselves? And how were they able to exasperate the French regarding this matter until the issuance the Law of 1882? This is what we will try to develop in this paper.

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