
معطيات عن العلوم الشرعية بمدينة غزة من بداية العصر الطولوني إلى نهاية العصر الأيوبي (264- 658هـ/878-1260م

this research seeks to detect the status of forensic science in the map of the scientific life of the city of Gaza since Tulunid and even Ayyubid, by talking about the catalysts of this life, and monitor the most famous Strip in this field of knowledge, and the study concluded that the studies of legitimacy may have seen independent remarkable century third Islamic, and based on the statistical method possible to avoid generalizations, and to reach that forensic science has seen fluctuations louder and down through the ages in the study, as well as certain sciences flourished in certain periods and decayed in other periods, though dominated by modern science significantly.

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