
مستوى الدافع المعرفي بين التدريس وفق المقاربة بالأهداف و المقاربة بالكفاءات

Abstract The present study aimed to identify potential differences, in the level of the cognitive motive of students, at the end of compulsory schooling in Algeria; The samples of the study are consist of (320) students: 160 of them studied with Competency-Based Approach; and 160 of them studied with Objectives-Based Approach; The tool used in the study “cognitive motive scale” created by reasearcher for measuring the level of cognitive motive. The important results are: • There was no significant difference at the 0.05 level, between students in the desire to: Acquire and extend knowledge, develop productive habits of mind, develop strategies of intrinsic control, positive relationship with learning time and positive relationship with school (place of learn). • There was significant difference at the 0.05 level, between students in the desire to: - Develop relationship with others students and teachers. • Accordingly, there was no statistically significant difference between students, in the level of cognitive motivation.

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