
مساهمة المقارنة المرجعية في قيادة وتقييم أداء المؤسسات دراسة مقارنة شركتي الحضنة / المراعي

The benchmarking is considered, if correctly used, one of the most important management tools in today's world. The use of benchmarking helps to improve performance indicators, and to identify and enhance strength elements. The adoption of this approach in evaluating the enterprise and developing its performance enables it to know its position compared to other distinguished enterprises, which encourages it to reach higher levels, as well as to identify the methods used in this process. Our goal through this field-based study conducted on the two companies that operated in the same activity: Hodna dairy at Msila and Almarai at Saudi Arabia, to know how we can take advantage of benchmarking in leading and evaluating performance. We concluded that this tool has a major role in improving the performance of enterprises based on some of the global performance criteria.

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