
مساهمة الجزائر في دعم الأندلسيين واحتضانهم (1492- 1609م)

This study deals with the Algeria support of the Andalusians during their struggle with the Spanish’s war of Reconquista.In this respect the Algerians played a great role in accepting many Andalusians (their coreligionist) as a settlers in their country.However,we tried to stress the development of Spanish’s policy towards the Andalusians after the collapse of Grenada in 1492, and its consequences upon the Andalusians whom they prefered to stay in Andalusia and for those whom they chosed to emigrate to the Maghreb or Algeria.The Andalusians they did not accepted the Spanish take over,and they fought against theme by all means.They lanched many revolts against the Spanish such as the revolts of (Albeazin and Bacharate in 1499-1500),particularly that of 1568. This strong revolt was under the Spanish manarch Philip III ,who lanched a great waves of wars against the Andalusians in Spain.Under these great pressure,the Andalusians asked some help from their brother Muslims like the Algerians in the Maghreb at the time of Eulge Ali who gave support and help to the Andalusains dramatic situation.In fact it was not a wars like the Muslims had fought before against the Spanish,these wars were a racial and horribal wars without petty or sympathy.Philip III took many decrees against the Andalusians’tragedy like that of 1609 which forced theme to escape to other places of haven like some coastline towns of the Maghreb,which stress from Annaba ,Bejaia, Algiers, Mostaghanem ,Oran until Tlemcen

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