
مدينة سطيف وضواحيها من خلال كتب الرحلة والجغرافيا في العصر الوسيط

Summery : Setif is an ancient city since early times; so it was mentioned by many travelers and geographers during the medieval period, from al yaaqubi in third century a.c /nineth century a.d. to Hacen alwasan(African leon) in the tenth century a.c. /sixteenth century a.d. They described it in all fields (political,economic,social,and cultural,…) My research paper aims to evoke the evolution of the town of Setif in this period in order to study the society in its deepest structure, mainly with the emergence of new researches and studies concerned with towns and countrysides. The results of the study revealed that Setif was a populated and prosperous town during middle ages.

تنزيل الملف

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