
مدى فاعلية مناهج كلية العلوم التربوية بالجامعة الأردنية في تأهيل طالبات التربية العملية لتوظيف المهارات الحياتية المهنية في العملية التدريسية

This study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of curricula of the educational sciences faculty at the University of Jordan of pre-service teachers' preparation in implementing professional life skills in teaching at kindergartens and schools. The sample consisted of (106) pre-service female teachers from the faculty of educational sciences at the University of Jordan who were enrolled in the practicum course during the second semester of 2010/2011. The findings indicated that the effectiveness level of the curricula of the educational sciences faculty for pre-service teachers' preparation in implementing professional life skills in teaching at kindergartens and schools was low. Furthermore, there was no statistical significant difference in the effectiveness level of the curricula of the educational sciences faculty for pre-service teachers' preparation in implementing professional life skills in teaching at kindergartens and schools between early childhood pre-service teachers' perspectives and classroom pre-service teachers' perspectives.

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