
مدى توافر مناخ نفسي اجتماعي في الأسرة لتنمية الموهبة

The availability of a family psycho-sociological atmosphere for children’s talent development: empirical study among pupils’ secondary school. In this article we present the results of a study on the availability of domestic atmosphere for the development of children’s talents. Total sample consisted of 389 males and females pupils of secondary school in the province of Batna; 164 of them were males and 225 were females, Aged between 15 and 20 years old, were selected from specialties of science, technology, experimental sciences, literature, philosophy, management and economy of all secondary grades. The applied questionnaire consisted of 40 items to measure the domestic atmosphere for the development of children’s talent. It was found that females subjects are more aware than males of the existence of a family atmosphere for the development of talents. Moreover, there is no difference between the percentages for both sexes in their perception of domestic atmosphere. The most important aspects of the domestic atmosphere were encouraging children to excel at their studies and everything they do, promoting self-confidence, reliability and resistance to failure and establishing good relationships within the family and providing an amusing atmosphere at home. Moreover, the results pointed out also, offering total freedom to the family members to express themselves and discuss without hesitation their own ideas in the family.

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