
مْزي من المعارك الكبرى للولاية الخامسة التاريخية (6-7-8 ماي 1960م)

Battle Mountain Mzee took place following a try Corps of the National Liberation Army, pass the Algerian-Moroccan border in May of 1960, and access to the homeland. And Mount Mzee This is part of a series of mountain desert palaces, located to the southwest of the city of yellow eye. The Abdul Ghani (Mohammed bin Ahmed), commander of the eighth region of the fifth state, personally preparing for battle. In the sixth of the same month the Second Corps had taken place in "Wade student Ahmed" east of Mount Mzee. The response of the French troops landing platoon of troops in the morning at the top of the mountain to track the effects of the Mujahideen, and locked in a battle with them at noon, it was the elimination of those French force that occurred in the trap of the National Liberation Army. Following the defeat of the French troops came heavily into place Vhasrth began its bombardment by land and air, the battle lasted until night. As a result, the National Liberation Forces (IDF) decided to withdraw towards the Moroccan territory; resulting in a collision with the surrounding enemy forces, and the night shift during the day by constant shelling and shots weapons and flood lights. The next day (May 7) battles continued in the top of the mountain in the western part of the Mujahideen against the retreating. When enemy forces failed to resolve the battle threw grenades Napalm the Mujahideen in the top of the mountain and in the west, resulting in serious injuries among the Mujahideen, and the battle continued on the third day (May 8) shot sporadically during the withdrawal.

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