
قضية موت العقيد بوبراتر عام 1864 بالبيض ملابساتها وتداعياتها من خلال وثائق أرشيفية

During the French colonial expansionist operations towards the south-west of Algeria, the French forces faced a fierce armed fighting which delayed its invasion plan for a long period of time. Of which was Ouled-Sid Cheikh resistance that took place in 1864 where the colonel Beaupretre lost his life at the hand of Si Slimane ben Hamza in Aouinet Boubekeur. Subsequently, this (historic) incident had a significant impact either at the level of tribes which movements were integrated into the resistance or at the level of the French administration which intensified its reprisal actions (a revenge killing). To determine this considerable historic evidence (mark, vestige), we searched the French archives and found in (Château de Vincennes - Paris) a number of archival documents which supported the study

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