
قراءة في أوقاف أهل الذمة بالأندلس

Most of the books of ‘enawazil, especially that of ‘al ‘aḫkem by ‘ibn Sahl and that of el mi’yar by el wenčarissi make reference to a certain number of enquiries that have been asked to the fukaha’ of the Middle Ages. These enquiries are of a close relation with ‘el waqf practiced by the Jewish and the Christians in Andalusia. People, then, were inquiring about the religious legitimacy of the Jewish and the Christians to use the ‘el waqf on the Muslims, and even if these references were not of a great number but they are of great importance to prove that such waqf made by the Jewish and Christians was really happening at that time. In fact most of the history books and translated books did not make reference to the waqf of ‘ehl ‘edima; however, the few number of mentions to the waqf found in the books of ‘enawazil deserve all our attention and have to be studied to determine why did the Jewish and the Christians use ‘el waqf on Muslims. In fact, the question of ‘el waqf of some ‘ehl ‘eḏima on their properties to Muslims reflects the atmosphere of peace and forgiveness that was prevailing at that time. All the members of the society in Andalusia, in spite of the difference between the religions and the doctrinal belonging, did not lose their sense of belonging to the same society.

تنزيل الملف

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المدينة : *
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المهنة :
الرسالة : *
(الحقول المتبوعة بـ * إجبارية)