
غياب البعد الإيتيقي في القراءة الحداثية العربية للنص الديني

This article aims to examine the eminent standing the religious text critical reading’s concept has among the contemporary Arab modernists. In a bizarre paradox, and without being aware of the danger their position would lead to, and because at the moment they criticize their adversary propensity to hypostatize texts by making it outside all historic-critical uptake, they are practicing the same behavior i.e.to be dazzled by the western civilization’s achievements and sanctifying its mechanics and linguistic methodology and deconstructing hermeneutics. This lead to questioning the distinction of the modernist thesis that targets to eliminate all forms of sanctification in the scientific research especially the religious texts interpretation. The author estimates that the ethic dimension is still the lost element of the Arab modernists’ hermeneutic practice. The article finishes by opening up on the thinker Taha Abderahmanre powerful and pioneering horizons and this to attract attention to the best manners to reintroduce discussion regarding the religious in matching frontiers and also to the specificity of this issue.

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