
عوامل الخطر والوقاية من تعاطي الشباب للمخدرات

Factors of risk and prevention of drug consumption among the young. The objective of this study is to determine the risk and the prevention factors of drug use among the young people, on the basis of the risk focused approach. The general hypothesis is: There is a significant difference between young drug users and non-users in the following psychological factors: life satisfaction, future anxiety, social support, depression, and coping strategies. The results show that the young drug users are more depressive, more anxious of their future, less satisfied of their lives and they believe that their families are less supportive, compared to the non-drug users. Also, the young drug users tend to use the focus on the emotion and avoidance strategies when dealing with pressure, while the young non drug users adopt the focus on the performance strategy. These differences are very significant (α=0.001).

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