
صور الصراع في رواية "ص" لزرياب بوكفة قراءة مضمونية

Abstarct : This article aims to stand up to some aspects of the conflict in the contemporary Algerian novel through the novel "S" by Zeriab Boukeffa. The novel was published in the period after the 1990s, but it portrays this bloody era, which witnessed a violent conflict on several levels. The novel "S" is not limited to describing the conflict and its victims in the style of the 1990s, but is characterized by the analysis of the parties to the conflict and condemnation of the authority represented by its security agencies. The research provides a substantive reading of the conflict images in the novel.

تنزيل الملف

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(الحقول المتبوعة بـ * إجبارية)