
شعر المديح النّبوي عند أحمد بن الحرمة

Article deals with the subject of heritage , we'll try through our research that the highlight with study and analysis hair praise of Prophet Mohammad at the popular poet Ahmad ibn horma biryani Qadri Sufi , which is one of the most prominent poets Malhoun who excelled valuables poetry in praise of our prophet peace be upon him , said that the poems poet Ben horma verse full of creative and aesthetic beauty of the Prophet Ahmad , as the poetic creativity filled with emotion religious and mystical meanings high-end great poet of a particular table and purity of the prophet Mohammad , was thus an expression of love for the glory Prophet , and his great place . This stems from the fact that the meanings of faith honest, the love of Sam and destination end, diversified its content , and its premises between longing and followers, and asked to intercede and hope. Should he do so this is poetic art creative Make furnished with words and meanings Commissioner rare smelt love and attachment to and emulate

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