
سؤال الحداثة في فكر طه عبد الرحمن من النقد إلى الإبداع.

* The question of Modernity in TAHA ABDURRAHMAN`S thoughts:From criticism to creativity Abstract The Preparing oneself to read the project of the intellectual creativity realized by professor TAHA ABDURRAHMAN is not an easy task .in fact, the reader who does not have rich linguistic competencies and enough philosophical background Especially in the logic notions, will be unable to deal with Taha writings.We perceive very much that dealing with his thoughts needs much patience, knowledge, and concentration,The said professor, is infract a professor in the field of logic and the philosophy of language, and very acquainted with foreign languages, he is better known of good knowledge of the ugly reality of the Arab and Islamic nation, Throughout his project, we can deduce his ability of construction and expressing through structures with a good respect to an exact methodological chronology in his products. His issue "the question of ethics'" published in 2000, followed by" the spirit of Modernity" published in 2006, are real witness for what was said. in these issues, professor Taha Abdurrahman analysed the problematic of "Modernity" from a quality approach.This,in fact reflects a distinct intellectual experiences, he approached the notion of "Modernity" differently from the way it was approached in the occidental philosophy. So, the problematic we are going to approach is: how did professor Taha Abdurrahman reformulate the foundation of the notion of modernity on the light of differentiating between its spiritual side and reality?And is there any side is of authentic creativity in this reformulation or it is a simple imitation for what was brought up by his prodecessors?. Throughout this problematic, we are going to analyse the following three essential themes:_ No modernity with an existing imitation._The spirit of modernity and the principles of its application.- Modernity is a project of ethics.

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