
سؤال الحداثة عند عبد الوهاب المسيري منطلقات الفهم وآفاق التجاوز

- Abstract: Modernity as a philosophical trend and approach refers to an intellectual movement founded on adopting a humanitarian project based on individuality، rationality and freedom. It considered by its supporters as process for overcoming the different obstacles which hinder the progress and development. Our purpose in this research paper lies in the search for modernity represented within the space of the Arab Thought through the character of the Egyptian intellectual and philosopher Abdel-Wahab El-Messiri. The conception of Abdel-Wahab El-Messiri represents the human dimensions of modernity a by criticizing the dominant consumer culture in which human loses his value by making him a prisoner depend on the market movement. The goal of El-Messiri in this case is to establish a new dimensions of modernity، by making the human as a value in the center of interest through the ideas of contract، compassion and justice. Keywords: Modernity- Individuality- Rationality- Freedom- Consumption - Ethics- Civilization- Contract- Compassion- Justice.

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