
تنمية المهارات الإدارية لدى الإطارات بشركة "سوناطراك" دراسة فرقية بين الإطارات المشرفة وغير المشرفة من حيث المهارات الإدارية

This research aims to uncover the policy and methods adopted for the development of management skills of supervisors. It detects the differences between supervisors and non-supervisors trained in management. The skills are evaluated in terms of coaching and training groups, communication, interpersonal relations, planning and organizing work, personal, attitudinal and learning aspects. To determine these skills, a questionnaire was used, with (80) items, distributed in (6) dimensions, to measure the general managerial skills. The study was conducted at “Sonatrach” oil company at Arzew, on a sample of 297 frames, supervisors and non-supervisors, trained in management. The statistical analysis of the data showed significant differences between trained managers in supervising and in non-supervising positions, in terms of general management skills for the benefit of trained managers in non-supervising positions. However, the results were in favor of trained managers in supervisory positions in terms of coaching and skills training groups, communication skills and interpersonal relations. This research highlights the need for more training in engineering management, which contributes to the development of managerial skills within the company.

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