
تقنين مقياس السمات الشخصية الخمس الكبرى في الجزائر

Test normalization of Big Five Personality Traits of Algerian. The question of personality is a subject that requires more research and studies in view of its importance in understanding the evolution of societies. In this approach, this study contributes to this this issue through the adaptation of the application of the test of the big five personality traits to the Algerian case. After discussing the different aspects of this test, the methodology used to develop standards is explained in regard to its adaptability to the Algerian case. The questionnaire is available at a panel of 927 individuals in five regions of Algeria and representing different social strata. According to our results, it is essential to revise certain statements so that they are applicable to the study of the Algerian personality.

تنزيل الملف

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الاسم و اللقب :
البريد الالكتروني : *
المدينة : *
البلد : *
المهنة :
الرسالة : *
(الحقول المتبوعة بـ * إجبارية)