
تباين دوافع مقاومة التغيير من منظور الانتماء السوسيومهني للعاملين دراسة ميدانية بمؤسسة سوناطراك: قاعدة الإمدادات بالأنابيب تقرت الجزائر

This study aims to clarify the reasons for the variation in resistance to change among workers, depending on the socio-professional category to which they belong. For this purpose, we have decided to conduct this empirical study within Sonatrach, the supplies piping base in Touggourt, to evaluate the relationship between socio-professional status of workers and their motivations for their resistance to change adopted by the company in recent years, particularly which affected HRM policies. We developed a survey to collect the study data. Processing the collected data was performed through several statistical methods using SPSS V.20 program. The results of the study showed that there is a relationship and a statistically significant effect between the socio-professional categories of workers and the causes of resistance to change.

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