
تأثير المخدرات على التحصيل المدرسي دراسة ميدانية في مستشفى فرانس فانون –البليدة

Summary: The drug phenomenon experienced among adolescents had witnessed the interest of specialists of different disciplines and fields, everyone wondered why this phenomenon had spread, which is rampant in both sexes males and females together and all age groups from the old to the young, and in all institutions and the educational institutions in particular. In addition to the school environment, including other factors of group companions, we find that the family's environment is directly involved in the spread of this phenomenon and the social circumstances, economic ... Etc the family within the framework of social change and transition to modernity. Through our surveillance Center Youth (teens) about the original theme of our research is, we have the benefit of drug therapy (detoxification) of Frantz Fanon hospital in Blida and to see the impact of this phenomenon on adolescents, these adolescents entered the hospital with the approval of their parents, in order to cure their children and let them cease to consume these lethal poisons. We have noticed that the use of this product on various shapes and types by consuming or taking it in different ways from the mouth or smell, etc is to achieve happiness "Ecstasy", as the drug is gradually taken by teenager then moves on to the stage of addiction and withdrawal symptoms which led to the deteriorating of his professional, physical and mental life, where teenager feels lost and dispersed between the street and the places where he obtains drugs from and his school, therefore this constitutes the anxiety and fear of the parents especially when the school level of their children is reduced. Because of all these reasons, we have done our research about the effect of drugs on school's achievement among adolescents, as the school is the extension of family in the area of socialization received by teenagers. Moreover, Mohammed Ahmed Mushaqaba clarifies: "no nation nowadays can stop the harm caused by addiction to our children and this problem often begins in the individual abusers in adolescence (Mohammed Ahmed Mushaqaba, servants, 2007, p19). To investigate and search for this phenomenon, we have used the half guided interview with cases already found in the University Hospital Frantz Fanon in Blida specialized in the fight against addiction, through their suffering from several problems some of them are physical problems and others psychological ones.

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