
انعكاسات الأزمة النفطية لـ 2014 على الحسابات الخاصة للخزينة في الجزائر: مع التركيز على صندوق ضبط الموارد

This study aims to highlight the Special Treasury Accounts (STAs) in Algeria, especially with the decline in oil prices since July 2014. This shock had a direct negative effect on economies like the Algerian economy, which absolutely depends on oil revenues. Considering that the Revenue Regulation Fund (RRF) is one of these special accounts, which represent exceptions to the general budget, the RRF was created in order to benefit from surpluses of the oil revenues, and use it in maintaining the stability of the public budget. We will try through this paper to highlight the most important effects of this shock on special accounts in generally and on RRF in particular.

تنزيل الملف

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