
الوقف ومؤسسات المجتمع المدني في الجزائرقراءة سوسيولوجية

Since the independence, Algeria has witnessed great changes in the political and social fields according to the dynamity of modernization applied in all the sectors supervised by the algerian government for the purpose of realizing an orderly planned and historic transition towards modernism that allows Algeria to keep pace with the international situation and conditions in all domains, preserving at the same time the Algerian Arab-Islamic identity of the algerian society . However the transition to Modernism is not as easy as it was expected, so that many observers and those interested in the political and social affairs in Algeria believe that this path is not yet complete, or it was probably blocked in one of its stages, and thus it affects in a negative way the social and political situation and even the economic one in Algeria, more over many experts think that The political crisis in Algeria,since its independence, represent a negative and clear reflection of the blockage the path of modernity has witnessed on political and social situation. According to the sociological point of view, modernity as a historical pathway,is linked to a set of physical indicators ,and even moral ones , that include answers to the question about the civil society in Algeria, it concerns especially the issue of replacing the traditional social organizations by the modern social organizations that respond to the physical and moral needs and requirements of individuals and groups, and give the identity of the social the modernist aspect. This paper looks to Al Waqf as one of the living traditional organization that many social and political forces have tried to displace it throughout the late periods in favor of modern civic associations , and study the the devlopment of this path through out the theoritical and field study, and historical statistics to answer thes questions with the development of civil society in Algeria ,is it useful now to continue dealing with the instituitions of Al Waqf and how to work on this issue?What are the obstacles faced by Al Waqf in its path of modernization in Algeria? What are the prospects of the modernization and integration of Al waqf institutions in civil society in Algeria?

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