
الوساطة في المادة الجزائية قراءة تحليلية في الأمر رقم 15-02 المؤرخ في 23 جويلية 2015

The Algerian legislator of the criminal proceedings has adopted the mediation system by virtue of the Ordinance No. 15-02 dated on July 23th, 2015, after being used in the code of the child protection which is updated by the law No. 15-12 of July 15, 2015. The Algerian lawmaker is convinced that this system plays an important role in the legal system, by having a coercive character. As criminal mediation is classified among one of the alternatives to the criminal proceedings that several global legislations have used it in order to fight against crime, involving the parties to the criminal proceedings: the offender and the victim, this one provides a social consensus in a criminal case. This research seeks to highlight the characters of the new method for fighting against the crime, through reading the adopted regulatory texts, based on some laws that were the first in the application of this system.

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