
الواقعية السحرية في رواية (مستعمرة المياه) لجاسم عاصي

Novel "Water colony," one of the novels that combine the real and the magical, the novel consists of entrance and thirteen passage, ranging from the presence of the author implied it and the other characters of the novel, particularly the father Mardan, who Atguena by novelist and son Sameh and wife Zelekha novelty. Could the novelist to tune in creating worlds realistic and magical, trying through which the novelist break the horizon predicted reader, when he thinks he will read what used to it, either through experience or practice or previous reading, Venqlh of CSS text level where documentary and historical to the open text level , stainless multiple and non-definitive interpretations, the conscience of the speaker refers obliquely to the realism and sensual, but what we are experiencing from the trip events and move us in amazement and confusion and hesitation site between what is realistic and magical, as well as interfering with folk tales, seeing (Cote Hafeez) that vision, which depends on the hero and then get out of the novel is realistic to Alphentakiz

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