
النموذج التعليمي الياباني ودوره في إعداد أجيال المستقبل

This paper discusses the Japanese educational model, who confirmed his merit for the eligibility of the global superiority, this is what the name is the Word so that our minds are moving to the small scale of the country achievements for its inventions and industries to the peoples of the whole world. There is no doubt that the Japanese experience is unique by all standards experience at all levels because of the date on which coexisted and also the geographical and natural conditions, and this is what paid for the Japanese to make cognitive efforts and rehabilitation of human resources on the basis of educational programs designed to provide a flexible and education system to accommodate the data of modern science and developed without falling into the trap of alienation and alienation from the personal elements of Japanese, this experience which has already managed in record time to bridge the knowledge and technological gap that separates them from the West, inciting a unique cultural shift of its kind in the history of the modern.

تنزيل الملف

سيظهر تعليقك على هذه الصفحة بعد موافقة المشرف.
هذا النمودج ليس مخصص لبعث رسالة شخصية لأين كان بل فضاء للنقاش و تبادل الآراء في إحترام
الاسم و اللقب :
البريد الالكتروني : *
المدينة : *
البلد : *
المهنة :
الرسالة : *
(الحقول المتبوعة بـ * إجبارية)