
الملكية في قرطاجة.

The Carthaginian system and the Carthaginian Constitution occupied a prominent place in the contemporary historical writings because they enjoyed the promotion and good organization of the Carthaginian political institutions, as noted in the writings of the ancient historians who framed and noted the system, led by the Greek philosopher Aristotle. In the ancient world, and that it has assumed a prominent position among the constitutions that have been compared, and that the Carthaginian system was closer than others in the application of the system of democracy thanks to that Constitution, but the problem facing modern writers is to identify the regime in the first phase From the founding of Carthage, that period, which lasted from the date of establishment until the middle of the sixth century BC, where there was a lack of documents and archaeological evidence that shows the system of governance in the city in that period, and the myth of the establishment has cast a shadow on the system of government, as indicated in the sources The researcher finds himself faced with a set of contradictions can not be reconciled, which raises doubts about the classification of the classical writings of the type of government at that stage.

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