
المعاملات التجارية بالمغرب الأقصى من خلال مخطوط" رواج السّكة بالزيادة" لأبي حامد العربي المشرفي

Abstract: The study deals with one aspect of the economic history of Morocco where we try to define and demonstrate the mechanisms of the Railway system in Morocco during the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the nineteenth century. As this period is the beginning of change of mechanisms system of monetary exchange due to the effects of the remnants of foreign intervention as the Spanish Douro had become to compete the Moroccan dirham since 1799. As we tried to highlight the role of the scientists and the scholars and their standing by weight at the limits of the railway use and that a matching assessment by weight . That is what pushed the multiplicity of the jurisprudence corresponding to the achievement of the popularity of the railway and its relationship to the weight. On this basis, we have chosen the message of the manuscript that dealt with the subject from several angles. The massage of the manuscript in our hands is among the most important sources of the researcher in addressing many of the historical subjects and jurisprudential with some care and scrutiny, that its valuable information would contribute to shed light on forgotten or neglected aspects done by historians and could also help to fill some gaps which stand in the writing, or while trying to raise points among the absent ones or lacking in the history that we need to clarify and scrutinize. The writing about the railway was linked to the social sphere and the political situation in Morocco and other Arab countries and the most importantly the Moroccans wrote in the popularity of the railway within a given period of time (19 BC).

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